
xml-parse-file is an autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `xml.el'.

(xml-parse-file FILE &optional PARSE-DTD PARSE-NS)

Parse the well-formed XML file FILE.
Return the top node with all its children.
If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, the DTD is parsed rather than skipped.

If PARSE-NS is non-nil, then QNAMES are expanded. By default,
the variable `xml-default-ns' is the mapping from namespaces to
URIs, and expanded names will be returned as a cons

("namespace:" . "foo").

If PARSE-NS is an alist, it will be used as the mapping from
namespace to URIs instead.

If it is the symbol 'symbol-qnames, expanded names will be
returned as a plain symbol 'namespace:foo instead of a cons.

Both features can be combined by providing a cons cell

(symbol-qnames . ALIST).