
with-temp-buffer-window is a Lisp macro in `window.el'.

(with-temp-buffer-window BUFFER-OR-NAME ACTION QUIT-FUNCTION &rest BODY)

Bind `standard-output' to BUFFER-OR-NAME, eval BODY, show the buffer.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must specify either a live buffer, or the name of
a buffer (if it does not exist, this macro creates it).

Make the buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME empty before running
BODY and bind `standard-output' to that buffer, so that output
generated with `prin1' and similar functions in BODY goes into
that buffer. Do not make that buffer current for running the
forms in BODY. Use `with-current-buffer-window' instead if you
need to run BODY with that buffer current.

At the end of BODY, mark the specified buffer unmodified and
read-only, and display it in a window (but do not select it).
The display happens by calling `display-buffer' passing it the
ACTION argument. If `temp-buffer-resize-mode' is enabled, the
corresponding window may be resized automatically.

Return the value returned by BODY, unless QUIT-FUNCTION specifies
a function. In that case, run that function with two arguments -
the window showing the specified buffer and the value returned by
BODY - and return the value returned by that function.

If the buffer is displayed on a new frame, the window manager may
decide to select that frame. In that case, it's usually a good
strategy if QUIT-FUNCTION selects the window showing the buffer
before reading any value from the minibuffer; for example, when
asking a `yes-or-no-p' question.

This runs the hook `temp-buffer-window-setup-hook' before BODY,
with the specified buffer temporarily current. It runs the hook
`temp-buffer-window-show-hook' after displaying the buffer, with
that buffer temporarily current, and the window that was used to
display it temporarily selected.

This construct is similar to `with-output-to-temp-buffer' but,
neither runs `temp-buffer-setup-hook' which usually puts the
buffer in Help mode, nor `temp-buffer-show-function' (the ACTION
argument replaces this).