
with-output-to-temp-buffer is a Lisp macro in `subr.el'.

(with-output-to-temp-buffer BUFNAME &rest BODY)

Bind `standard-output' to buffer BUFNAME, eval BODY, then show that buffer.

This construct makes buffer BUFNAME empty before running BODY.
It does not make the buffer current for BODY.
Instead it binds `standard-output' to that buffer, so that output
generated with `prin1' and similar functions in BODY goes into
the buffer.

At the end of BODY, this marks buffer BUFNAME unmodified and displays
it in a window, but does not select it. The normal way to do this is
by calling `display-buffer', then running `temp-buffer-show-hook'.
However, if `temp-buffer-show-function' is non-nil, it calls that
function instead (and does not run `temp-buffer-show-hook'). The
function gets one argument, the buffer to display.

The return value of `with-output-to-temp-buffer' is the value of the
last form in BODY. If BODY does not finish normally, the buffer
BUFNAME is not displayed.

This runs the hook `temp-buffer-setup-hook' before BODY,
with the buffer BUFNAME temporarily current. It runs the hook
`temp-buffer-show-hook' after displaying buffer BUFNAME, with that
buffer temporarily current, and the window that was used to display it
temporarily selected. But it doesn't run `temp-buffer-show-hook'
if it uses `temp-buffer-show-function'.

By default, the setup hook puts the buffer into Help mode before running BODY.
If BODY does not change the major mode, the show hook makes the buffer
read-only, and scans it for function and variable names to make them into
clickable cross-references.

See the related form `with-temp-buffer-window'.