
window-total-size is a compiled Lisp function in `window.el'.

(window-total-size &optional WINDOW HORIZONTAL ROUND)

Return the total height or width of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

If HORIZONTAL is omitted or nil, return the total height of
WINDOW, in lines. If WINDOW is live, its total height includes,
in addition to the height of WINDOW's text, the heights of
WINDOW's mode and header line and a bottom divider, if any.

If HORIZONTAL is non-nil, return the total width of WINDOW, in
columns. If WINDOW is live, its total width includes, in
addition to the width of WINDOW's text, the widths of WINDOW's
fringes, margins, scroll bars and its right divider, if any.

If WINDOW is internal, return the respective size of the screen
areas spanned by its children.

Optional argument ROUND is handled as for `window-total-height'
and `window-total-width'.