
wdired-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `wdired.el'.


Writable Dired (WDired) mode.

In WDired mode, you can edit the names of the files in the
buffer, the target of the links, and the permission bits of the

Type C-c C-c to exit WDired mode, returning to
Dired mode, and make your edits "take effect" by modifying the
file and directory names, link targets, and/or file permissions
on disk. If you delete the filename of a file, it is flagged for
deletion in the Dired buffer.

Type C-c ESC to abort your edits and exit WDired mode.

Type M-x customize-group RET wdired to customize WDired behavior.

The only editable texts in a WDired buffer are filenames,
symbolic link targets, and filenames permission.