
verilog-read-defines is a compiled Lisp function in `verilog-mode.el'.

(verilog-read-defines &optional FILENAME RECURSE SUBCALL)

Read `defines and parameters for the current file, or optional FILENAME.
If the filename is provided, `verilog-library-flags' will be used to
resolve it. If optional RECURSE is non-nil, recurse through `includes.

Parameters must be simple assignments to constants, or have their own
"parameter" label rather than a list of parameters. Thus:

parameter X = 5, Y = 10; // Ok
parameter X = {1'b1, 2'h2}; // Ok
parameter X = {1'b1, 2'h2}, Y = 10; // Bad, make into 2 parameter lines

Defines must be simple text substitutions, one on a line, starting
at the beginning of the line. Any ifdefs or multiline comments around the
define are ignored.

Defines are stored inside Emacs variables using the name vh-{definename}.

This function is useful for setting vh-* variables. The file variables
feature can be used to set defines that `verilog-mode' can see; put at the
*END* of your file something like:

// Local Variables:
// vh-macro:"macro_definition"
// End:

If macros are defined earlier in the same file and you want their values,
you can read them automatically (provided `enable-local-eval' is on):

// Local Variables:
// eval:(verilog-read-defines)
// eval:(verilog-read-defines "group_standard_includes.v")
// End:

Note these are only read when the file is first visited, you must use
C-x C-v RET to have these take effect after editing them!

If you want to disable the "Process `eval' or hook local variables"
warning message, you need to add to your init file:

(setq enable-local-eval t)