
verilog-auto-star is a compiled Lisp function in `verilog-mode.el'.


Expand SystemVerilog .* pins, as part of M-x verilog-auto.

If `verilog-auto-star-expand' is set, .* pins are treated if they were
AUTOINST statements, otherwise they are ignored. For safety, Verilog mode
will also ignore any .* that are not last in your pin list (this prevents
it from deleting pins following the .* when it expands the AUTOINST.)

On writing your file, unless `verilog-auto-star-save' is set, any
non-templated expanded pins will be removed. You may do this at any time
with M-x verilog-delete-auto-star-implicit.

If you are converting a module to use .* for the first time, you may wish
to use M-x verilog-inject-auto and then replace the created AUTOINST with .*.

See `verilog-auto-inst' for examples, templates, and more information.