
todo-jump-to-category is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `todo-mode.el'.

(todo-jump-to-category &optional FILE WHERE)

Prompt for a category in a todo file and jump to it.

With non-nil FILE (interactively a prefix argument), prompt for a
specific todo file and choose (with TAB completion) a category
in it to jump to; otherwise, choose and jump to any category in
either the current todo file or a file in

Also accept a non-existing category name and ask whether to add a
new category by that name; on confirmation, add it and jump to
that category, and if option `todo-add-item-if-new-category' is
non-nil (the default), then prompt for the first item.

In noninteractive calls non-nil WHERE specifies either the goal
category or its file. If its value is `archive', the choice of
categories is restricted to the current archive file or the
archive you were prompted to choose; this is used by
`todo-jump-to-archive-category'. If its value is the name of a
category, jump directly to that category; this is used in Todo
Categories mode.