
texinfo-sequential-node-update is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `texnfo-upd.el'.

(texinfo-sequential-node-update &optional REGION-P)

Update one node (or many) in a Texinfo file with sequential pointers.

This function causes the `Next' or `Previous' pointer to point to the
immediately preceding or following node, even if it is at a higher or
lower hierarchical level in the document. Continually pressing `n' or
`p' takes you straight through the file.

Without any prefix argument, update the node in which point is located.
Non-nil argument (prefix, if interactive) means update the nodes in the
marked region.

This command makes it awkward to navigate among sections and
subsections; it should be used only for those documents that are meant
to be read like a novel rather than a reference, and for which the
Info `g*' command is inadequate.