
texinfo-all-menus-update is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `texnfo-upd.el'.

(texinfo-all-menus-update &optional UPDATE-ALL-NODES-P)

Update every regular menu in a Texinfo file.
Update pre-existing master menu, if there is one.

Only single-file manuals are supported by this function. For
multi-file manuals, use `texinfo-multiple-files-update'.

If called with a non-nil argument, this function first updates all the
nodes in the buffer before updating the menus. Do NOT invoke this
command with an argument if your Texinfo file uses @node lines without
the `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers!

Indents the first line of descriptions, and leaves trailing whitespace
in a menu that lacks descriptions, so descriptions will format well.
In general, a menu should contain descriptions, because node names and
section titles are often too short to explain a node well.