
tex-mode-internal is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `tex-mode.el'.


Major mode derived from `text-mode' by `define-derived-mode'.
It inherits all of the parent's attributes, but has its own keymap,
abbrev table and syntax table:

`tex-mode-map', `tex-mode-abbrev-table' and `tex-mode-syntax-table'

which more-or-less shadow text-mode's corresponding tables.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode might have run,
this mode runs the hook `tex-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-j tex-terminate-paragraph
ESC Prefix Command
" tex-insert-quote
<C-return> tex-feed-input

M-RET latex-insert-item

C-c C-b tex-buffer
C-c C-c tex-compile
C-c C-e latex-close-block
C-c C-f tex-file
C-c TAB tex-bibtex-file
C-c C-k tex-kill-job
C-c C-l tex-recenter-output-buffer
C-c RET tex-feed-input
C-c C-o latex-insert-block
C-c C-p tex-print
C-c C-q tex-show-print-queue
C-c C-r tex-region
C-c C-t latex-insert-block
C-c C-u tex-goto-last-unclosed-latex-block
C-c C-v tex-view
C-c / latex-close-block
C-c ] latex-close-block
C-c { tex-insert-braces
C-c } up-list

C-M-i ispell-complete-word