
tags-loop-continue is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `etags.el'.

It is bound to <menu-bar> <edit> <search> <tags-continue>, <menu-bar> <edit> <replace> <tags-repl-continue>.

(tags-loop-continue &optional FIRST-TIME)

Continue last M-x tags-search or M-x tags-query-replace command.
Used noninteractively with non-nil argument to begin such a command (the
argument is passed to `next-file', which see).

Two variables control the processing we do on each file: the value of
`tags-loop-scan' is a form to be executed on each file to see if it is
interesting (it returns non-nil if so) and `tags-loop-operate' is a form to
evaluate to operate on an interesting file. If the latter evaluates to
nil, we exit; otherwise we scan the next file.