
table-with-cache-buffer is a Lisp macro in `table.el'.

(table-with-cache-buffer &rest BODY)

Execute the forms in BODY with table cache buffer as the current buffer.
This macro simplifies the rest of the work greatly by condensing the
common idiom used in many of the cell manipulation functions. It does
not return any meaningful value.

Save the current buffer and set the cache buffer as the current
buffer. Move the point to the cache buffer coordinate
`table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'. After BODY forms are executed,
the paragraph is filled as long as `table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph'
remains nil. BODY can set it to t when it does not want to fill the
paragraph. If necessary the cell width and height are extended as the
consequence of cell content modification by the BODY. Then the
current buffer is restored to the original one. The last cache point
coordinate is stored in `table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'. The
original buffer's point is moved to the location that corresponds to
the last cache point coordinate.