
sql-get-login is a compiled Lisp function in `sql.el'.

(sql-get-login &rest WHAT)

Get username, password and database from the user.

The variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-server', and
`sql-database' can be customized. They are used as the default values.
Usernames, servers and databases are stored in `sql-user-history',
`sql-server-history' and `database-history'. Passwords are not stored
in a history.

Parameter WHAT is a list of tokens passed as arguments in the
function call. The function asks for the username if WHAT
contains the symbol `user', for the password if it contains the
symbol `password', for the server if it contains the symbol
`server', and for the database if it contains the symbol
`database'. The members of WHAT are processed in the order in
which they are provided.

Each token may also be a list with the token in the car and a
plist of options as the cdr. The following properties are

:file <filename-regexp>
:completion <list-of-strings-or-function>
:default <default-value>
:number t

In order to ask the user for username, password and database, call the
function like this: (sql-get-login 'user 'password 'database).