
special-display-popup-frame is a compiled Lisp function in `window.el'.

(special-display-popup-frame BUFFER &optional ARGS)

Pop up a frame displaying BUFFER and return its window.
If BUFFER is already displayed in a visible or iconified frame,
raise that frame. Otherwise, display BUFFER in a new frame.

Optional argument ARGS is a list specifying additional

If ARGS is an alist, use it as a list of frame parameters. If
these parameters contain (same-window . t), display BUFFER in
the selected window. If they contain (same-frame . t), display
BUFFER in a window of the selected frame.

If ARGS is a list whose car is a symbol, use (car ARGS) as a
function to do the work. Pass it BUFFER as first argument, and
pass the elements of (cdr ARGS) as the remaining arguments.