
shell-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `shell.el'.


Parent mode: `comint-mode'.

Major mode for interacting with an inferior shell.
RET after the end of the process' output sends the text from
the end of process to the end of the current line.
RET before end of process output copies the current line minus the prompt to
the end of the buffer and sends it (C-c RET just copies the current line).
M-x send-invisible reads a line of text without echoing it, and sends it to
the shell. This is useful for entering passwords. Or, add the function
`comint-watch-for-password-prompt' to `comint-output-filter-functions'.

If you want to make multiple shell buffers, rename the `*shell*' buffer
using M-x rename-buffer or M-x rename-uniquely and start a new shell.

If you want to make shell buffers limited in length, add the function
`comint-truncate-buffer' to `comint-output-filter-functions'.

If you accidentally suspend your process, use M-x comint-continue-subjob
to continue it.

`cd', `pushd' and `popd' commands given to the shell are watched by Emacs to
keep this buffer's default directory the same as the shell's working directory.
While directory tracking is enabled, the shell's working directory is displayed
by C-x C-b or <C-down-mouse-1> in the `File' field.
M-x dirs queries the shell and resyncs Emacs's idea of what the current
directory stack is.
M-x shell-dirtrack-mode turns directory tracking on and off.
(The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of this
feature - see the function `dirtrack-mode'.)

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-d comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
TAB completion-at-point
C-j kermit-send-input-cr
RET comint-send-input
ESC Prefix Command
C-\ kermit-esc
<C-down> comint-next-input
<C-up> comint-previous-input
<delete> delete-forward-char
<kp-delete> delete-forward-char
<mouse-2> comint-insert-input

M-RET shell-resync-dirs
M-? comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions

C-c C-b shell-backward-command
C-c C-f shell-forward-command
C-c C-q kermit-send-char
C-c \ kermit-esc

C-c C-a comint-bol-or-process-mark
C-c C-c comint-interrupt-subjob
C-c C-d comint-send-eof
C-c C-e comint-show-maximum-output
C-c C-l comint-dynamic-list-input-ring
C-c RET comint-copy-old-input
C-c C-n comint-next-prompt
C-c C-o comint-delete-output
C-c C-p comint-previous-prompt
C-c C-r comint-show-output
C-c C-s comint-write-output
C-c C-u comint-kill-input
C-c C-w backward-kill-word
C-c C-x comint-get-next-from-history
C-c C-z comint-stop-subjob
C-c ESC Prefix Command
C-c C-\ comint-quit-subjob
C-c SPC comint-accumulate
C-c . comint-insert-previous-argument

C-M-l comint-show-output
M-n comint-next-input
M-p comint-previous-input
M-r comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp

C-c M-r comint-previous-matching-input-from-input
C-c M-s comint-next-matching-input-from-input

Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on `comint-mode-hook' and
`shell-mode-hook' (in that order). Before each input, the hooks on
`comint-input-filter-functions' are run. After each shell output, the hooks
on `comint-output-filter-functions' are run.

Variables `shell-cd-regexp', `shell-chdrive-regexp', `shell-pushd-regexp'
and `shell-popd-regexp' are used to match their respective commands,
while `shell-pushd-tohome', `shell-pushd-dextract' and `shell-pushd-dunique'
control the behavior of the relevant command.

Variables `comint-completion-autolist', `comint-completion-addsuffix',
`comint-completion-recexact' and `comint-completion-fignore' control the
behavior of file name, command name and variable name completion. Variable
`shell-completion-execonly' controls the behavior of command name completion.
Variable `shell-completion-fignore' is used to initialize the value of

Variables `comint-input-ring-file-name' and `comint-input-autoexpand' control
the initialization of the input ring history, and history expansion.

Variables `comint-output-filter-functions', a hook, and
`comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input' and `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output'
control whether input and output cause the window to scroll to the end of the