
shell-directory-tracker is a compiled Lisp function in `shell.el'.

(shell-directory-tracker STR)

Tracks cd, pushd and popd commands issued to the shell.
This function is called on each input passed to the shell.
It watches for cd, pushd and popd commands and sets the buffer's
default directory to track these commands.

You may toggle this tracking on and off with M-x shell-dirtrack-mode.
If Emacs gets confused, you can resync with the shell with M-x dirs.
(The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of this
feature - see the function `dirtrack-mode'.)

See variables `shell-cd-regexp', `shell-chdrive-regexp', `shell-pushd-regexp',
and `shell-popd-regexp', while `shell-pushd-tohome', `shell-pushd-dextract',
and `shell-pushd-dunique' control the behavior of the relevant command.

Environment variables are expanded, see function `substitute-in-file-name'.