
set-keyboard-coding-system is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `mule.el'.

It is bound to C-x RET k, <menu-bar> <options> <mule> <set-various-coding-system> <set-keyboard-coding-system>.

(set-keyboard-coding-system CODING-SYSTEM &optional TERMINAL)

Set coding system for keyboard input on TERMINAL to CODING-SYSTEM.

For a list of possible values of CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.
The default is determined by the selected language environment
or by the previous use of this command.

If CODING-SYSTEM is nil or the coding-type of CODING-SYSTEM is
`raw-text', the decoding of keyboard input is disabled.

TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the
selected frame's terminal. The setting has no effect on
graphical terminals.