
ses-mode is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `ses.el'.


Major mode for Simple Emacs Spreadsheet.

When you invoke SES in a new buffer, it is divided into cells
that you can enter data into. You can navigate the cells with
the arrow keys and add more cells with the tab key. The contents
of these cells can be numbers, text, or Lisp expressions. (To
enter text, enclose it in double quotes.)

In an expression, you can use cell coordinates to refer to the
contents of another cell. For example, you can sum a range of
cells with `(+ A1 A2 A3)'. There are specialized functions like
`ses+' (addition for ranges with empty cells), `ses-average' (for
performing calculations on cells), and `ses-range' and `ses-select'
(for extracting ranges of cells).

Each cell also has a print function that controls how it is

Each SES buffer is divided into a print area and a data area.
Normally, you can simply use SES to look at and manipulate the print
area, and let SES manage the data area outside the visible region.

See "" (in `data-directory') for an example
spreadsheet, and the Info node `(ses)Top.'

In the following, note the separate keymaps for cell editing mode
and print mode specifications. Key definitions:

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
C-S-l ses-reprint-all
<header-line> Prefix Command

<header-line> <down-mouse-3> Prefix Command
<header-line> <mouse-2> ses-sort-column-click

C-M-l ses-reprint-all

C-c C-c ses-recalculate-cell
C-c C-j ses-jump
C-c C-l ses-recalculate-all
C-c C-n ses-renarrow-buffer
C-c C-p ses-read-default-printer
C-c C-t ses-truncate-cell
C-c ESC Prefix Command

<header-line> <down-mouse-3> <Set current row>
<header-line> <down-mouse-3> <Unset row>

C-c C-M-h ses-set-header-row
C-c C-M-l ses-reconstruct-all
C-c C-M-s ses-sort-column

These key definitions are active only in the print area (the visible
key binding
--- -------

- .. . ses-read-cell
0 .. 9 ses-read-cell

C-d ses-clear-cell-forward
TAB ses-forward-or-insert
C-j ses-append-row-jump-first-column
C-k ses-delete-row
RET ses-edit-cell
C-o ses-insert-row
C-w ses-kill-override
ESC Prefix Command
" ses-read-cell
' ses-read-symbol
( ses-read-cell
= ses-edit-cell
c ses-recalculate-cell
j ses-jump
p ses-read-cell-printer
t ses-truncate-cell
w ses-set-column-width
x ses-export-keymap
DEL ses-clear-cell-backward
<S-delete> ses-kill-override
<backtab> backward-char
<deleteline> ses-delete-row
<insertline> ses-insert-row
<remap> Prefix Command
<tab> ses-forward-or-insert

M-H ses-mark-column
M-h ses-mark-row
M-k ses-delete-column
M-o ses-insert-column
M-p ses-read-column-printer
M-y ses-yank-pop

x T ses-export-tsf
x t ses-export-tsv

These are active only in the minibuffer, when entering or editing a
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-g minibuffer-keyboard-quit
TAB self-insert-command
C-j exit-minibuffer
RET exit-minibuffer
ESC Prefix Command
<C-S-mouse-3> ses-insert-ses-range-click
<C-tab> file-cache-minibuffer-complete
<S-mouse-3> ses-insert-range-click
<XF86Back> previous-history-element
<XF86Forward> next-history-element
<down> next-line-or-history-element
<next> next-history-element
<prior> previous-history-element
<up> previous-line-or-history-element

C-M-i lisp-complete-symbol

C-c C-r ses-insert-range
C-c C-s ses-insert-ses-range

M-n next-history-element
M-p previous-history-element
M-r previous-matching-history-element
M-s next-matching-history-element