
server-edit is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `server.el'.

It is bound to C-x #.

(server-edit &optional ARG)

Switch to next server editing buffer; say "Done" for current buffer.
If a server buffer is current, it is marked "done" and optionally saved.
The buffer is also killed if it did not exist before the clients asked for it.
When all of a client's buffers are marked as "done", the client is notified.

Temporary files such as MH <draft> files are always saved and backed up,
no questions asked. (The variable `make-backup-files', if nil, still
inhibits a backup; you can set it locally in a particular buffer to
prevent a backup for it.) The variable `server-temp-file-regexp' controls
which filenames are considered temporary.

If invoked with a prefix argument, or if there is no server process running,
starts server process and that is all. Invoked by C-x #.