
reporter-dump-state is a compiled Lisp function in `reporter.el'.


Dump the state of the mode specific variables.
PKGNAME contains the name of the mode as it will appear in the bug
report (you must explicitly concat any version numbers).

VARLIST is the list of variables to dump. Each element in
VARLIST can be a variable symbol, or a cons cell. If a symbol,
this will be passed to `reporter-dump-variable' for insertion
into the mail buffer. If a cons cell, the car must be a variable
symbol and the cdr must be a function which will be `funcall'd
with arguments the symbol and the mail buffer being composed. Use
this to write your own custom variable value printers for
specific variables.

Note that the global variable `reporter-eval-buffer' will be bound to
the buffer in which `reporter-submit-bug-report' was invoked. If you
want to print the value of a buffer local variable, you should wrap
the `eval' call in your custom printer inside a `set-buffer' (and
probably a `save-excursion'). `reporter-dump-variable' handles this

PRE-HOOKS is run after the Emacs version and PKGNAME are inserted, but
before the VARLIST is dumped. POST-HOOKS is run after the VARLIST is