
proced-send-signal is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `proced.el'.

(proced-send-signal &optional SIGNAL PROCESS-ALIST)

Send a SIGNAL to processes in PROCESS-ALIST.
PROCESS-ALIST is an alist as returned by `proced-marked-processes'.
Interactively, PROCESS-ALIST contains the marked processes.
If no process is marked, it contains the process point is on,
SIGNAL may be a string (HUP, INT, TERM, etc.) or a number.
After sending SIGNAL to all processes in PROCESS-ALIST, this command
runs the normal hook `proced-after-send-signal-hook'.

For backward compatibility SIGNAL and PROCESS-ALIST may be nil.
Then PROCESS-ALIST contains the marked processes or the process point is on
and SIGNAL is queried interactively. This noninteractive usage is still
supported but discouraged. It will be removed in a future version of Emacs.