pages-directory is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `page-ext.el
It is bound to C-x C-p C-d.
Display a directory of the page headers in a temporary buffer.
A header is the first non-blank line after the page-delimiter.
M-x pages-directory-mode
You may move point to one of the lines in the temporary buffer,
then use
Uses keymap `pages-directory-goto', which is not currently defined.
to go to the same line in the pages buffer.
In interactive use:
1. With no prefix arg, display all headers.
2. With prefix arg, display the headers of only those pages that
contain matches to a regular expression for which you are
3. With numeric prefix arg, for every page, print the number of
lines within each page.
4. With negative numeric prefix arg, for only those pages that
match a regular expression, print the number of lines within
each page.
When called from a program, non-nil first arg means list all headers;
non-nil second arg means print numbers of lines in each page; if first
arg is nil, optional third arg is regular expression.
If the buffer is narrowed, the `pages-directory' command creates a
directory for only the accessible portion of the buffer.