
org-table-eval-formula is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `org-table.el'.


Replace the table field value at the cursor by the result of a calculation.

This function makes use of Dave Gillespie's Calc package, in my view the
most exciting program ever written for GNU Emacs. So you need to have Calc
installed in order to use this function.

In a table, this command replaces the value in the current field with the
result of a formula. It also installs the formula as the "current" column
formula, by storing it in a special line below the table. When called
with a `C-u' prefix, the current field must be a named field, and the
formula is installed as valid in only this specific field.

When called with two `C-u' prefixes, insert the active equation
for the field back into the current field, so that it can be
edited there. This is useful in order to use M-x org-table-show-reference
to check the referenced fields.

When called, the command first prompts for a formula, which is read in
the minibuffer. Previously entered formulas are available through the
history list, and the last used formula is offered as a default.
These stored formulas are adapted correctly when moving, inserting, or
deleting columns with the corresponding commands.

The formula can be any algebraic expression understood by the Calc package.
For details, see the Org-mode manual.

This function can also be called from Lisp programs and offers
additional arguments: EQUATION can be the formula to apply. If this
argument is given, the user will not be prompted. SUPPRESS-ALIGN is
used to speed-up recursive calls by by-passing unnecessary aligns.
SUPPRESS-CONST suppresses the interpretation of constants in the
formula, assuming that this has been done already outside the function.
SUPPRESS-STORE means the formula should not be stored, either because
it is already stored, or because it is a modified equation that should
not overwrite the stored one.