
org-paste-subtree is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `org.el'.

(org-paste-subtree &optional LEVEL TREE FOR-YANK)

Paste the clipboard as a subtree, with modification of headline level.
The entire subtree is promoted or demoted in order to match a new headline

If the cursor is at the beginning of a headline, the same level as
that headline is used to paste the tree.

If not, the new level is derived from the *visible* headings
before and after the insertion point, and taken to be the inferior headline
level of the two. So if the previous visible heading is level 3 and the
next is level 4 (or vice versa), level 4 will be used for insertion.
This makes sure that the subtree remains an independent subtree and does
not swallow low level entries.

You can also force a different level, either by using a numeric prefix
argument, or by inserting the heading marker by hand. For example, if the
cursor is after "*****", then the tree will be shifted to level 5.

If optional TREE is given, use this text instead of the kill ring.

When FOR-YANK is set, this is called by `org-yank'. In this case, do not
move back over whitespace before inserting, and move point to the end of
the inserted text when done.