
org-export-dispatch is an interactive autoloaded Lisp function in `ox.el'.

(org-export-dispatch &optional ARG)

Export dispatcher for Org mode.

It provides an access to common export related tasks in a buffer.
Its interface comes in two flavors: standard and expert.

While both share the same set of bindings, only the former
displays the valid keys associations in a dedicated buffer.
Scrolling (resp. line-wise motion) in this buffer is done with
SPC and DEL (resp. C-n and C-p) keys.

Set variable `org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui' to switch to one
flavor or the other.

When ARG is C-u, repeat the last export action, with the same set
of options used back then, on the current buffer.

When ARG is C-u C-u, display the asynchronous export stack.