
org-element-at-point is an autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `org-element.el'.

(org-element-at-point &optional KEEP-TRAIL)

Determine closest element around point.

Return value is a list like (TYPE PROPS) where TYPE is the type
of the element and PROPS a plist of properties associated to the

Possible types are defined in `org-element-all-elements'.
Properties depend on element or object type, but always include
`:begin', `:end', `:parent' and `:post-blank' properties.

As a special case, if point is at the very beginning of a list or
sub-list, returned element will be that list instead of the first
item. In the same way, if point is at the beginning of the first
row of a table, returned element will be the table instead of the
first row.

If optional argument KEEP-TRAIL is non-nil, the function returns
a list of elements leading to element at point. The list's CAR
is always the element at point. The following positions contain
element's siblings, then parents, siblings of parents, until the
first element of current section.