
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `org.el'.

(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c &optional ARG)

Set tags in headline, or update according to changed information at point.

This command does many different things, depending on context:

- If a function in `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook' recognizes this location,
this is what we do.

- If the cursor is on a statistics cookie, update it.

- If the cursor is in a headline, prompt for tags and insert them
into the current line, aligned to `org-tags-column'. When called
with prefix arg, realign all tags in the current buffer.

- If the cursor is in one of the special #+KEYWORD lines, this
triggers scanning the buffer for these lines and updating the

- If the cursor is inside a table, realign the table. This command
works even if the automatic table editor has been turned off.

- If the cursor is on a #+TBLFM line, re-apply the formulas to
the entire table.

- If the cursor is at a footnote reference or definition, jump to
the corresponding definition or references, respectively.

- If the cursor is a the beginning of a dynamic block, update it.

- If the current buffer is a capture buffer, close note and file it.

- If the cursor is on a <<<target>>>, update radio targets and
corresponding links in this buffer.

- If the cursor is on a numbered item in a plain list, renumber the
ordered list.

- If the cursor is on a checkbox, toggle it.

- If the cursor is on a code block, evaluate it. The variable
`org-confirm-babel-evaluate' can be used to control prompting
before code block evaluation, by default every code block
evaluation requires confirmation. Code block evaluation can be
inhibited by setting `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c'.