
mh-show-mode is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `mh-show.el'.


Parent mode: `text-mode'.

Major mode for showing messages in MH-E.

Email addresses and URLs in the message are highlighted if the
option `goto-address-highlight-p' is on, which it is by default.
To view the web page for a highlighted URL or to send a message
using a highlighted email address, use the middle mouse button or
M-x goto-address-at-point. See Info node `(mh-e)Sending Mail' to
see how to configure Emacs to send the message using MH-E.

The hook `mh-show-mode-hook' is called upon entry to this mode.

See also `mh-folder-mode'.

key binding
--- -------

C-d mh-show-delete-msg-no-motion
TAB mh-show-next-button
ESC Prefix Command
SPC mh-show-page-msg
! mh-show-refile-or-write-again
' mh-show-toggle-tick
, mh-show-header-display
. mh-show-show
/ mh-show-limit-map
: mh-show-show-preferred-alternative
> mh-show-write-message-to-file
? mh-help
D mh-show-digest-map
E mh-show-extract-rejected-mail
F mh-show-folder-map
I Prefix Command
J mh-show-junk-map
K mh-show-mime-map
M mh-show-modify
P mh-show-ps-print-map
S mh-show-sequence-map
T mh-show-thread-map
X mh-show-extract-map
^ mh-show-refile-msg
c mh-show-copy-msg
d mh-show-delete-msg
e mh-show-edit-again
f mh-show-forward
g mh-show-goto-msg
i mh-show-inc-folder
k mh-show-delete-subject-or-thread
m mh-show-send
n mh-show-next-undeleted-msg
o mh-show-refile-msg
p mh-show-previous-undeleted-msg
q mh-show-quit
r mh-show-reply
s mh-show-send
t mh-show-toggle-showing
u mh-show-undo
v mh-show-index-visit-folder
x mh-show-execute-commands
| mh-show-pipe-msg
DEL mh-show-previous-page
<backtab> mh-show-prev-button

K TAB mh-show-next-button
K ESC Prefix Command
K ? mh-prefix-help
K a mh-mime-save-parts
K e mh-show-display-with-external-viewer
K i mh-show-inline-mime-part
K o mh-show-save-mime-part
K t mh-show-toggle-mime-buttons
K v mh-show-toggle-mime-part
K <backtab> mh-show-prev-button

D SPC mh-show-page-digest
D ? mh-prefix-help
D b mh-show-burst-digest
D DEL mh-show-page-digest-backwards

X ? mh-prefix-help
X s mh-show-store-msg
X u mh-show-store-msg

/ ' mh-show-narrow-to-tick
/ ? mh-prefix-help
/ c mh-show-narrow-to-cc
/ g mh-show-narrow-to-range
/ m mh-show-narrow-to-from
/ s mh-show-narrow-to-subject
/ t mh-show-narrow-to-to
/ w mh-show-widen

T ? mh-prefix-help
T d mh-show-thread-delete
T n mh-show-thread-next-sibling
T o mh-show-thread-refile
T p mh-show-thread-previous-sibling
T t mh-show-toggle-threads
T u mh-show-thread-ancestor

P ? mh-prefix-help
P C mh-show-ps-print-toggle-color
P F mh-show-ps-print-toggle-faces
P f mh-show-ps-print-msg-file
P l mh-show-print-msg
P p mh-show-ps-print-msg

J ? mh-prefix-help
J b mh-show-junk-blacklist
J w mh-show-junk-whitelist

S ' mh-show-narrow-to-tick
S ? mh-prefix-help
S d mh-show-delete-msg-from-seq
S k mh-show-delete-seq
S l mh-show-list-sequences
S n mh-show-narrow-to-seq
S p mh-show-put-msg-in-seq
S s mh-show-msg-is-in-seq
S w mh-show-widen

F ' mh-index-ticked-messages
F ? mh-prefix-help
F S mh-show-sort-folder
F c mh-show-catchup
F f mh-show-visit-folder
F k mh-show-kill-folder
F l mh-show-list-folders
F n mh-index-new-messages
F o mh-show-visit-folder
F p mh-show-pack-folder
F q mh-show-index-sequenced-messages
F r mh-show-rescan-folder
F s mh-search
F t mh-show-toggle-threads
F u mh-show-undo-folder
F v mh-show-visit-folder

C-M-i mh-show-prev-button
M-d mh-show-redistribute
M-n mh-show-next-unread-msg
M-p mh-show-previous-unread-msg

K C-M-i mh-show-prev-button