
mh-interactive-range is an autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `mh-seq.el'.

(mh-interactive-range RANGE-PROMPT &optional DEFAULT)

Return interactive specification for message, sequence, range or region.
By convention, the name of this argument is RANGE.

If variable `transient-mark-mode' is non-nil and the mark is active,
then this function returns a cons-cell of the region.

If optional prefix argument is provided, then prompt for message range
with RANGE-PROMPT. A list of messages in that range is returned.

If a MH range is given, say something like last:20, then a list
containing the messages in that range is returned.

If DEFAULT non-nil then it is returned.

Otherwise, the message number at point is returned.

This function is usually used with `mh-iterate-on-range' in order to
provide a uniform interface to MH-E functions.