
mh-folder-list is an autoloaded Lisp function in `mh-utils.el'.

(mh-folder-list FOLDER)

Return FOLDER and its descendants.
FOLDER may have a + prefix. Returns a list of strings without the
+ prefix. If FOLDER is nil, then all folders are considered. For
example, if your Mail directory only contains the folders +inbox,
+outbox, +lists, and +lists/mh-e, then

(mh-folder-list nil)
=> ("inbox" "lists" "lists/mh-e" "outbox")
(mh-folder-list "+lists")
=> ("lists" "lists/mh-e")

Respects the value of `mh-recursive-folders-flag'. If this flag
is nil, and the sub-folders have not been explicitly viewed, then
they will not be returned.