
map-y-or-n-p is a compiled Lisp function in `map-ynp.el'.


Ask a series of boolean questions.
Takes args PROMPTER ACTOR LIST, and optional args HELP and ACTION-ALIST.

LIST is a list of objects, or a function of no arguments to return the next
object or nil.

If PROMPTER is a string, the prompt is (format PROMPTER OBJECT). If not
a string, PROMPTER is a function of one arg (an object from LIST), which
returns a string to be used as the prompt for that object. If the return
value is not a string, it may be nil to ignore the object or non-nil to act
on the object without asking the user.

ACTOR is a function of one arg (an object from LIST),
which gets called with each object that the user answers `yes' for.

If HELP is given, it is a list (OBJECT OBJECTS ACTION),
where OBJECT is a string giving the singular noun for an elt of LIST;
OBJECTS is the plural noun for elts of LIST, and ACTION is a transitive
verb describing ACTOR. The default is ("object" "objects" "act on").

At the prompts, the user may enter y, Y, or SPC to act on that object;
n, N, or DEL to skip that object; ! to act on all following objects;
ESC or q to exit (skip all following objects); . (period) to act on the
current object and then exit; or C-h to get help.

If ACTION-ALIST is given, it is an alist (KEY FUNCTION HELP) of extra keys
that will be accepted. KEY is a character; FUNCTION is a function of one
arg (an object from LIST); HELP is a string. When the user hits KEY,
FUNCTION is called. If it returns non-nil, the object is considered
"acted upon", and the next object from LIST is processed. If it returns
nil, the prompt is repeated for the same object.

Final optional argument NO-CURSOR-IN-ECHO-AREA non-nil says not to set
`cursor-in-echo-area' while prompting.

This function uses `query-replace-map' to define the standard responses,
but not all of the responses which `query-replace' understands
are meaningful here.

Returns the number of actions taken.