
list-colors-display is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `facemenu.el'.

It is bound to <C-down-mouse-2> <dc>, <menu-bar> <edit> <props> <dc>.

(list-colors-display &optional LIST BUFFER-NAME CALLBACK)

Display names of defined colors, and show what they look like.
If the optional argument LIST is non-nil, it should be a list of
colors to display. Otherwise, this command computes a list of
colors that the current display can handle. Customize
`list-colors-sort' to change the order in which colors are shown.
Type `g' or M-x revert-buffer after customizing `list-colors-sort'
to redisplay colors in the new order.

If the optional argument BUFFER-NAME is nil, it defaults to *Colors*.

If the optional argument CALLBACK is non-nil, it should be a
function to call each time the user types RET or clicks on a
color. The function should accept a single argument, the color name.