
ldap-search-internal is a compiled Lisp function in `ldap.el'.

(ldap-search-internal SEARCH-PLIST)

Perform a search on a LDAP server.
SEARCH-PLIST is a property list describing the search request.
Valid keys in that list are:

`auth-source', if non-nil, will use `auth-source-search' and
will grab the :host, :secret, :base, and (:user or :binddn)
tokens into the `host', `passwd', `base', and `binddn' parameters
respectively if they are not provided in SEARCH-PLIST. So for
instance *each* of these netrc lines has the same effect if you
ask for the host "ldapserver:2400":

machine ldapserver:2400 login myDN secret myPassword base myBase
machine ldapserver:2400 binddn myDN secret myPassword port ldap
login myDN secret myPassword base myBase

but if you have more than one in your netrc file, only the first
matching one will be used. Note the "port ldap" part is NOT

`host' is a string naming one or more (blank-separated) LDAP servers
to try to connect to. Each host name may optionally be of the form HOST:PORT.
`filter' is a filter string for the search as described in RFC 1558.
`attributes' is a list of strings indicating which attributes to retrieve
for each matching entry. If nil, return all available attributes.
`attrsonly', if non-nil, indicates that only attributes are retrieved,
not their associated values.
`auth' is one of the symbols `simple', `krbv41' or `krbv42'.
`base' is the base for the search as described in RFC 1779.
`scope' is one of the three symbols `sub', `base' or `one'.
`binddn' is the distinguished name of the user to bind as (in RFC 1779 syntax).
`auth' is one of the symbols `simple', `krbv41' or `krbv42'
`passwd' is the password to use for simple authentication.
`deref' is one of the symbols `never', `always', `search' or `find'.
`timelimit' is the timeout limit for the connection in seconds.
`sizelimit' is the maximum number of matches to return.
`withdn' if non-nil each entry in the result will be prepended with
its distinguished name DN.
The function returns a list of matching entries. Each entry is itself
an alist of attribute/value pairs.