
ispell-command-loop is a compiled Lisp function in `ispell.el'.

(ispell-command-loop MISS GUESS WORD START END)

Display possible corrections from list MISS.
GUESS lists possibly valid affix construction of WORD.
Returns nil to keep word.
Returns 0 to insert locally into buffer-local dictionary.
Returns string for new chosen word.
Returns list for new replacement word (will be rechecked).
Query-replace when list length is 2.
Automatic query-replace when second element is `query-replace'.
Highlights the word, which is assumed to run from START to END.
Global `ispell-pdict-modified-p' becomes a list where the only value
indicates whether the dictionary has been modified when option `a'
or `i' is used.
Global `ispell-quit' set to start location to continue spell session.