
inferior-tcl-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `tcl.el'.


Parent mode: `comint-mode'.

Major mode for interacting with Tcl interpreter.

You can start a Tcl process with M-x inferior-tcl.

Entry to this mode runs the normal hooks `comint-mode-hook' and
`inferior-tcl-mode-hook', in that order.

You can send text to the inferior Tcl process from other buffers
containing Tcl source.

Variables controlling Inferior Tcl mode:
Name of program to run.
Command line arguments to `tcl-application'.
Matches prompt.
Command to use to read Tcl file in running application.
The current inferior Tcl process buffer. See variable
documentation for details on multiple-process support.

The following commands are available:
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
TAB completion-at-point
ESC Prefix Command
DEL backward-delete-char-untabify

C-c C-f tcl-load-file
C-c TAB tcl-help-on-word
C-c C-s switch-to-tcl
C-c C-t inferior-tcl
C-c C-v tcl-eval-defun
C-c C-x tcl-eval-region

C-M-x tcl-eval-defun
M-? comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions