
gud-def is a Lisp macro in `gud.el'.

(gud-def FUNC CMD KEY &optional DOC)

Define FUNC to be a command sending CMD and bound to KEY, with
optional doc string DOC. Certain %-escapes in the string arguments
are interpreted specially if present. These are:

%f -- Name (without directory) of current source file.
%F -- Name (without directory or extension) of current source file.
%d -- Directory of current source file.
%l -- Number of current source line.
%e -- Text of the C lvalue or function-call expression surrounding point.
%a -- Text of the hexadecimal address surrounding point.
%p -- Prefix argument to the command (if any) as a number.
%c -- Fully qualified class name derived from the expression
surrounding point (jdb only).

The `current' source file is the file of the current buffer (if
we're in a C file) or the source file current at the last break or
step (if we're in the GUD buffer).
The `current' line is that of the current buffer (if we're in a
source file) or the source line number at the last break or step (if
we're in the GUD buffer).