
gfile-add-watch is a built-in function in `C source code'.

(gfile-add-watch FILE FLAGS CALLBACK)

Add a watch for filesystem events pertaining to FILE.

This arranges for filesystem events pertaining to FILE to be reported
to Emacs. Use `gfile-rm-watch' to cancel the watch.

Value is a descriptor for the added watch. If the file cannot be
watched for some reason, this function signals a `file-notify-error' error.

FLAGS is a list of conditions to set what will be watched for. It can
include the following symbols:

'watch-mounts' -- watch for mount events
'send-moved' -- pair 'deleted' and 'created' events caused by file
renames and send a single 'renamed' event instead

When any event happens, Emacs will call the CALLBACK function passing
it a single argument EVENT, which is of the form


DESCRIPTOR is the same object as the one returned by this function.
ACTION is the description of the event. It could be any one of the

'changed' -- FILE has changed
'changes-done-hint' -- a hint that this was probably the last change
in a set of changes
'deleted' -- FILE was deleted
'created' -- FILE was created
'attribute-changed' -- a FILE attribute was changed
'pre-unmount' -- the FILE location will soon be unmounted
'unmounted' -- the FILE location was unmounted
'moved' -- FILE was moved to FILE1

FILE is the name of the file whose event is being reported. FILE1
will be reported only in case of the 'moved' event.