
fortran-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `fortran.el'.


Parent mode: `prog-mode'.

Major mode for editing Fortran code in fixed format.
For free format code, use `f90-mode'.

M-x fortran-indent-line indents the current Fortran line correctly.
Note that DO statements must not share a common CONTINUE.

Type ;? or ;C-h to display a list of built-in abbrevs for Fortran keywords.

Key definitions:
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
0 .. 9 fortran-electric-line-number
; fortran-abbrev-start

C-M-j fortran-split-line
C-M-n fortran-end-of-block
C-M-p fortran-beginning-of-block
C-M-q fortran-indent-subprogram
M-^ fortran-join-line

C-c C-d fortran-join-line
C-c C-n fortran-next-statement
C-c C-p fortran-previous-statement
C-c C-r fortran-column-ruler
C-c C-w fortran-window-create-momentarily
C-c ; fortran-comment-region

Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:

To use comments starting with `!', set this to the string "!".
Extra indentation within DO blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within IF blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within STRUCTURE, UNION, MAP and INTERFACE blocks.
(default 3)
Extra indentation applied to continuation statements (default 5).
Amount of extra indentation for text in full-line comments (default 0).
How to indent the text in full-line comments. Allowed values are:
nil don't change the indentation
fixed indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the
value of either
`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed' (fixed format) or
`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab' (TAB format),
depending on the continuation format in use.
relative indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the
indentation for a line of code.
(default 'fixed)
Single-character string to be inserted instead of space for
full-line comment indentation (default " ").
Minimum indentation for statements in fixed format mode (default 6).
Minimum indentation for statements in TAB format mode (default 9).
Maximum indentation for line numbers (default 1). A line number will
get less than this much indentation if necessary to avoid reaching
column 5.
Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible "continue"
statements (default nil).
Non-nil causes M-x fortran-indent-line on an ENDIF (or ENDDO) statement
to blink on the matching IF (or DO [WHILE]). (default nil)
Single-character string to be inserted in column 5 of a continuation
line (default "$").
String inserted by M-x fortran-comment-region at start of each line in
the region (default "c$$$").
Non-nil causes line number digits to be moved to the correct column
as typed (default t).
Non-nil causes lines to be broken before delimiters (default t).

Turning on Fortran mode calls the value of the variable `fortran-mode-hook'
with no args, if that value is non-nil.