
eieio-persistent is an object constructor function in `eieio-base.el'.
Creates an object of class eieio-persistent.
You cannot create a new object of type eieio-persistent

Class description:
eieio-persistent is an abstract class in `eieio-base.el'.
Children `srecode-map', `semanticdb-project-database-file'.

This special class enables persistence through save files
Use the `object-save' method to write this object to disk. The save
format is Emacs Lisp code which calls the constructor for the saved
object. For this reason, only slots which do not have an `:initarg'
specified will not be saved.

Instance Allocated Slots:

Slot: file type = string
The save file for this persistent object.
This must be a string, and must be specified when the new object is

Class Allocated Slots:

Slot: do-backups type = boolean value = t

Saving this object should make backup files.
Setting to nil will mean no backups are made.

Slot: file-header-line type = string value = ";; EIEIO PERSISTENT OBJECT"

Header line for the save file.
This is used with the `object-write' method.

Slot: extension type = string value = ".eieio"

Extension of files saved by this object.
Enables auto-choosing nice file names based on name.

Specialized Methods:

`eieio-persistent-save' :PRIMARY (arg1 &optional arg2)
Save persistent object THIS to disk.
Optional argument FILE overrides the file name specified in the object

(fn THIS &optional FILE)

`object-write' :PRIMARY (arg1 &optional arg2)
Write persistent object THIS out to the current stream.
Optional argument COMMENT is a header line comment.

(fn THIS &optional COMMENT)

`eieio-persistent-path-relative' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2)
For object THIS, make absolute file name FILE relative.


`eieio-persistent-save-interactive' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2 &optional arg3)
Prepare to save THIS. Use in an `interactive' statement.
Query user for file name with PROMPT if THIS does not yet specify
a file. Optional argument NAME specifies a default file name.

(fn THIS PROMPT &optional NAME)