
eieio-default-superclass is an object constructor function in `eieio.el'.
Creates an object of class eieio-default-superclass.
You cannot create a new object of type eieio-default-superclass

Class description:
eieio-default-superclass is an abstract class in `eieio.el'.
Children `semantic-analyze-context', `semanticdb-abstract-db-cache', `semanticdb-abstract-cache', `semanticdb-abstract-search-index', `semanticdb-abstract-table', `srecode-compile-state', `srecode-dictionary-compound-value', `srecode-dictionary', `srecode-template-table', `chart-sequece', `chart-axis', `chart', `ede-project-autoload', `ede-project-autoload-dirmatch', `eieio-named', `eieio-persistent', `eieio-singleton', `eieio-instance-tracker', `eieio-instance-inheritor', `eieio-speedbar', `eieio-widget-test-class', `semanticdb-typecache', `xref--xref', `xref-location', `auth-source-backend'.

Default parent class for classes with no specified parent class.
Its slots are automatically adopted by classes with no specified parents.
This class is not stored in the `parent' slot of a class vector.

Instance Allocated Slots:

Specialized Methods:

`slot-unbound' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
Slot unbound is invoked during an attempt to reference an unbound slot.
OBJECT is the instance of the object being reference. CLASS is the
class of OBJECT, and SLOT-NAME is the offending slot. This function
throws the signal `unbound-slot'. You can overload this function and
return the value to use in place of the unbound value.
Argument FN is the function signaling this error.
Use `slot-boundp' to determine if a slot is bound or not.

In CLOS, the argument list is (CLASS OBJECT SLOT-NAME), but
EIEIO can only dispatch on the first argument, so the first two are swapped.


`no-applicable-method' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2 &rest rest)
Called if there are no implementations for OBJECT in METHOD.
OBJECT is the object which has no method implementation.
ARGS are the arguments that were passed to METHOD.

Implement this for a class to block this signal. The return
value becomes the return value of the original method call.


`eieio-customize-object' :PRIMARY (obj &optional group)
Customize OBJ in a specialized custom buffer.
To override call the `eieio-custom-widget-insert' to just insert the
object widget.
Optional argument GROUP specifies a subgroup of slots to edit as a symbol.
These groups are specified with the `:group' slot flag.

`object-write' :PRIMARY (arg1 &optional arg2)
Write object THIS out to the current stream.
This writes out the vector version of this object. Complex and recursive
object are discouraged from being written.
If optional COMMENT is non-nil, include comments when outputting
this object.

(fn THIS &optional COMMENT)

`eieio-customize-object-group' :PRIMARY (obj)
Create a list of vectors for customizing sections of OBJ.

`initialize-instance' :PRIMARY (arg1 &optional arg2)
Construct the new object THIS based on SLOTS.
SLOTS is a tagged list where odd numbered elements are tags, and
even numbered elements are the values to store in the tagged slot.
If you overload the `initialize-instance', there you will need to
call `shared-initialize' yourself, or you can call `call-next-method'
to have this constructor called automatically. If these steps are
not taken, then new objects of your class will not have their values
dynamically set from SLOTS.

(fn THIS &optional SLOTS)

`destructor' :PRIMARY (arg1 &rest rest)
Destructor for cleaning up any dynamic links to our object.
Argument THIS is the object being destroyed. PARAMS are additional
ignored parameters.

(fn THIS &rest PARAMS)

`slot-missing' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2 arg3 &optional arg4)
Method invoked when an attempt to access a slot in OBJECT fails.
SLOT-NAME is the name of the failed slot, OPERATION is the type of access
that was requested, and optional NEW-VALUE is the value that was desired
to be set.

This method is called from `oref', `oset', and other functions which
directly reference slots in EIEIO objects.


`shared-initialize' :PRIMARY (arg1 arg2)
Set slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs.
Called from the constructor routine.


`eieio-custom-widget-insert' :PRIMARY (obj &rest flags)
Insert the widget used for editing object OBJ in the current buffer.
Arguments FLAGS are widget compatible flags.
Must return the created widget.

`eieio-read-customization-group' :PRIMARY (obj)
Do a completing read on the name of a customization group in OBJ.
Return the symbol for the group, or nil

`object-print' :PRIMARY (arg1 &rest rest)
Pretty printer for object THIS. Call function `object-name' with STRINGS.
The default method for printing object THIS is to use the
function `object-name'.

It is sometimes useful to put a summary of the object into the
default #<notation> string when using EIEIO browsing tools.

Implement this function and specify STRINGS in a call to
`call-next-method' to provide additional summary information.
When passing in extra strings from child classes, always remember
to prepend a space.

(fn THIS &rest STRINGS)

`eieio-custom-object-apply-reset' :PRIMARY (obj)
Insert an Apply and Reset button into the object editor.
Argument OBJ is the object being customized.

`clone' :PRIMARY (arg1 &rest rest)
Make a copy of OBJ, and then apply PARAMS.

(fn OBJ &rest PARAMS)

`no-next-method' :PRIMARY (arg1 &rest rest)
Called from `call-next-method' when no additional methods are available.
OBJECT is othe object being called on `call-next-method'.
ARGS are the arguments it is called by.
This method signals `no-next-method' by default. Override this
method to not throw an error, and its return value becomes the
return value of `call-next-method'.

(fn OBJECT &rest ARGS)

`eieio-done-customizing' :PRIMARY (obj)
When applying change to a widget, call this method.
This method is called by the default widget-edit commands.
User made commands should also call this method when applying changes.
Argument OBJ is the object that has been customized.

`constructor' :STATIC (arg1 arg2 &rest rest)
Default constructor for CLASS `eieio-default-superclass'.
NEWNAME is the name to be given to the constructed object.
SLOTS are the initialization slots used by `shared-initialize'.
This static method is called when an object is constructed.
It allocates the vector used to represent an EIEIO object, and then
calls `shared-initialize' on that object.