
ede-sourcecode is an object constructor function in `source.el'.
Creates an object of class ede-sourcecode.
Create a new object with name NAME of class type ede-sourcecode

Class description:
ede-sourcecode is a class in `source.el'.
Inherits from `eieio-instance-inheritor'.

Description of some type of source code.
Objects will use sourcecode objects to define the types of source
that they are willing to use.

Instance Allocated Slots:

Slot: parent-instance type = eieio-instance-inheritor-child
The parent of this instance.
If a slot of this class is referenced, and is unbound, then the parent
is checked for a value.

Slot: name type = string
The name of this type of source code.
Such as "C" or "Emacs Lisp"

Slot: sourcepattern type = string default = ".*"
Emacs regexp matching sourcecode this target accepts.

Slot: auxsourcepattern type = (or null string) default = nil
Emacs regexp matching auxiliary source code this target accepts.
Aux source are source code files needed for compilation, which are not compiled

Slot: enable-subdirectories type = boolean default = nil
Non nil if this sourcecode type uses subdirectories.
If sourcecode always lives near the target creating it, this should be nil.
If sourcecode can, or typically lives in a subdirectory of the owning
target, set this to t.

Slot: garbagepattern type = list default = nil
Shell file regexp matching files considered as garbage.
This is a list of items added to an `rm' command when executing a `clean'
type directive.

Specialized Methods:

`ede-want-file-source-p' :PRIMARY (this filename)
Return non-nil if THIS will take FILENAME as an auxiliary .

`ede-want-any-files-p' :PRIMARY (this filenames)
Return non-nil if THIS will accept any files in FILENAMES.

`ede-want-file-p' :PRIMARY (this filename)
Return non-nil if sourcecode definition THIS will take FILENAME.

`ede-buffer-header-file' :PRIMARY (this filename)
Return a list of file names of header files for THIS with FILENAME.
Used to guess header files, but uses the auxsource regular expression.

`ede-want-file-auxiliary-p' :PRIMARY (this filename)
Return non-nil if THIS will take FILENAME as an auxiliary .

`ede-want-any-source-files-p' :PRIMARY (this filenames)
Return non-nil if THIS will accept any source files in FILENAMES.

`ede-want-any-auxiliary-files-p' :PRIMARY (this filenames)
Return non-nil if THIS will accept any aux files in FILENAMES.