
ede-expand-filename is a Lisp function in `files.el'.

(ede-expand-filename &rest LOCAL-ARGS)

Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS.
FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled
by this project.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist.
If FORCE equals 'newfile, then the cache is ignored and a new file in THIS
is returned.

This is a generic function with only primary methods.


`ede-project' :PRIMARY (this filename &optional force)
Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS.
FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled
by this project.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist.
If FORCE equals 'newfile, then the cache is ignored and a new file in THIS
is returned.

Defined in `files.el'

`ede-target' :PRIMARY (this filename &optional force)
Return a fully qualified file name based on target THIS.
FILENAME should be a filename which occurs in a directory in which THIS works.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist.

Defined in `files.el'