
dired-mode is an autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `dired.el'.

(dired-mode &optional DIRNAME SWITCHES)

Mode for "editing" directory listings.
In Dired, you are "editing" a list of the files in a directory and
(optionally) its subdirectories, in the format of `ls -lR'.
Each directory is a page: use C-x [ and C-x ] to move pagewise.
"Editing" means that you can run shell commands on files, visit,
compress, load or byte-compile them, change their file attributes
and insert subdirectories into the same buffer. You can "mark"
files for later commands or "flag" them for deletion, either file
by file or all files matching certain criteria.
You can move using the usual cursor motion commands.
The buffer is read-only. Digits are prefix arguments.
Type d to flag a file `D' for deletion.
Type m to Mark a file or subdirectory for later commands.
Most commands operate on the marked files and use the current file
if no files are marked. Use a numeric prefix argument to operate on
the next ARG (or previous -ARG if ARG<0) files, or just `1'
to operate on the current file only. Prefix arguments override marks.
Mark-using commands display a list of failures afterwards. Type ?
to see why something went wrong.
Type u to Unmark a file or all files of an inserted subdirectory.
Type DEL to back up one line and unmark or unflag.
Type x to delete (eXpunge) the files flagged `D'.
Type RET to Find the current line's file
(or dired it in another buffer, if it is a directory).
Type o to find file or Dired directory in Other window.
Type i to Insert a subdirectory in this buffer.
Type R to Rename a file or move the marked files to another directory.
Type C to Copy files.
Type s to toggle Sorting by name/date or change the `ls' switches.
Type g to read all currently expanded directories aGain.
This retains all marks and hides subdirs again that were hidden before.
Use `SPC' and `DEL' to move down and up by lines.

If Dired ever gets confused, you can either type g to read the
directories again, type l to relist the file at point or the marked files or a
subdirectory, or type M-x dired-build-subdir-alist to parse the buffer
again for the directory tree.

Customization variables (rename this buffer and type C-h v on each line
for more info):


Hooks (use C-h v to see their documentation):


key binding
--- -------

e .. f dired-find-file

RET dired-find-file
C-o dired-display-file
C-t Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
SPC dired-next-line
! dired-do-shell-command
# dired-flag-auto-save-files
$ dired-hide-subdir
% Prefix Command
& dired-do-async-shell-command
( dired-hide-details-mode
* Prefix Command
+ dired-create-directory
- negative-argument
. dired-clean-directory
0 .. 9 digit-argument
: Prefix Command
< dired-prev-dirline
= dired-diff
> dired-next-dirline
? dired-summary
A dired-do-search
B dired-do-byte-compile
C dired-do-copy
D dired-do-delete
G dired-do-chgrp
H dired-do-hardlink
L dired-do-load
M dired-do-chmod
O dired-do-chown
P dired-do-print
Q dired-do-query-replace-regexp
R dired-do-rename
S dired-do-symlink
T dired-do-touch
U dired-unmark-all-marks
W woman-dired-find-file
X dired-do-shell-command
Z dired-do-compress
^ dired-up-directory
a dired-find-alternate-file
d dired-flag-file-deletion
g revert-buffer
h describe-mode
i dired-maybe-insert-subdir
j dired-goto-file
k dired-do-kill-lines
l dired-do-redisplay
m dired-mark
n dired-next-line
o dired-find-file-other-window
p dired-previous-line
q quit-window
s dired-sort-toggle-or-edit
t dired-toggle-marks
u dired-unmark
v dired-view-file
w dired-copy-filename-as-kill
x dired-do-flagged-delete
y dired-show-file-type
~ dired-flag-backup-files
DEL dired-unmark-backward
S-SPC scroll-down-command
<follow-link> mouse-face
<mouse-2> dired-mouse-find-file-other-window
<remap> Prefix Command

C-t C-t image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs
C-t . image-dired-display-thumb
C-t a thumbs-dired-show
C-t c image-dired-dired-comment-files
C-t d image-dired-display-thumbs
C-t e image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags
C-t f image-dired-mark-tagged-files
C-t i image-dired-dired-display-image
C-t j image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer
C-t m thumbs-dired-show-marked
C-t r image-dired-delete-tag
C-t t image-dired-tag-files
C-t w thumbs-dired-setroot
C-t x image-dired-dired-display-external

C-M-d dired-tree-down
C-M-n dired-next-subdir
C-M-p dired-prev-subdir
C-M-u dired-tree-up
M-$ dired-hide-all
M-s Prefix Command
M-{ dired-prev-marked-file
M-} dired-next-marked-file
M-DEL dired-unmark-all-files

M-s a Prefix Command
M-s f Prefix Command

% & dired-flag-garbage-files
% C dired-do-copy-regexp
% H dired-do-hardlink-regexp
% R dired-do-rename-regexp
% S dired-do-symlink-regexp
% d dired-flag-files-regexp
% g dired-mark-files-containing-regexp
% l dired-downcase
% m dired-mark-files-regexp
% r dired-do-rename-regexp
% u dired-upcase

* C-n dired-next-marked-file
* C-p dired-prev-marked-file
* ! dired-unmark-all-marks
* % dired-mark-files-regexp
* * dired-mark-executables
* / dired-mark-directories
* ? dired-unmark-all-files
* @ dired-mark-symlinks
* c dired-change-marks
* m dired-mark
* s dired-mark-subdir-files
* t dired-toggle-marks
* u dired-unmark
* DEL dired-unmark-backward

: d epa-dired-do-decrypt
: e epa-dired-do-encrypt
: s epa-dired-do-sign
: v epa-dired-do-verify

<remap> <advertised-undo> dired-undo
<remap> <next-line> dired-next-line
<remap> <previous-line> dired-previous-line
<remap> <read-only-mode> dired-toggle-read-only
<remap> <toggle-read-only> dired-toggle-read-only
<remap> <undo> dired-undo

M-s f C-s dired-isearch-filenames
M-s f ESC Prefix Command

M-s a C-s dired-do-isearch
M-s a ESC Prefix Command

M-s f C-M-s dired-isearch-filenames-regexp

M-s a C-M-s dired-do-isearch-regexp