
desktop-save-mode is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `desktop.el'.

(desktop-save-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle desktop saving (Desktop Save mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Desktop Save mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG
is omitted or nil.

When Desktop Save mode is enabled, the state of Emacs is saved from
one session to another. In particular, Emacs will save the desktop when
it exits (this may prompt you; see the option `desktop-save'). The next
time Emacs starts, if this mode is active it will restore the desktop.

To manually save the desktop at any time, use the command `M-x desktop-save'.
To load it, use `M-x desktop-read'.

Once a desktop file exists, Emacs will auto-save it according to the
option `desktop-auto-save-timeout'.

To see all the options you can set, browse the `desktop' customization group.

For further details, see info node `(emacs)Saving Emacs Sessions'.