
define-lex-block-type-analyzer is a Lisp macro in `lex.el'.

(define-lex-block-type-analyzer NAME DOC SYNTAX MATCHES)

Define a block type analyzer NAME with DOC string.

SYNTAX is the regexp that matches block delimiters, typically the
open (`\\s(') and close (`\\s)') parenthesis syntax classes.

MATCHES is a pair (OPEN-SPECS . CLOSE-SPECS) that defines blocks.


OPEN-DELIM is a string: the block open delimiter character.

OPEN-TOKEN is the lexical token class associated to the OPEN-DELIM

BLOCK-TOKEN is the lexical token class associated to the block
that starts at the OPEN-DELIM delimiter.

CLOSE-SPECS is a list of (CLOSE-DELIM CLOSE-TOKEN) elements where:

CLOSE-DELIM is a string: the block end delimiter character.

CLOSE-TOKEN is the lexical token class associated to the
CLOSE-DELIM delimiter.

Each element in OPEN-SPECS must have a corresponding element in

The lexer will return a BLOCK-TOKEN token when the value of
`semantic-lex-current-depth' is greater than or equal to the maximum
depth of parenthesis tracking (see also the function `semantic-lex').
Otherwise it will return OPEN-TOKEN and CLOSE-TOKEN tokens.

TO DO: Put the following in the developer's guide and just put a
reference here.

In the grammar:

The value of a block token must be a string that contains a readable
sexp of the form:


OPEN-TOKEN and CLOSE-TOKEN represent the block delimiters, and must be
lexical tokens of respectively `open-paren' and `close-paren' types.
Their value is the corresponding delimiter character as a string.

Here is a small example to analyze a parenthesis block:

%token <block> PAREN_BLOCK "(LPAREN RPAREN)"
%token <open-paren> LPAREN "("
%token <close-paren> RPAREN ")"

When the lexer encounters the open-paren delimiter "(":

- If the maximum depth of parenthesis tracking is not reached (that
is, current depth < max depth), it returns a (LPAREN start . end)
token, then continue analysis inside the block. Later, when the
corresponding close-paren delimiter ")" will be encountered, it
will return a (RPAREN start . end) token.

- If the maximum depth of parenthesis tracking is reached (current
depth >= max depth), it returns the whole parenthesis block as
a (PAREN_BLOCK start . end) token.