
define-abbrev is a compiled Lisp function in `abbrev.el'.

(define-abbrev TABLE NAME EXPANSION &optional HOOK &rest PROPS)

Define an abbrev in TABLE named NAME, to expand to EXPANSION and call HOOK.
NAME must be a string, and should be lower-case.
EXPANSION should usually be a string.
To undefine an abbrev, define it with EXPANSION = nil.
If HOOK is non-nil, it should be a function of no arguments;
it is called after EXPANSION is inserted.
If EXPANSION is not a string (and not nil), the abbrev is a
special one, which does not expand in the usual way but only
runs HOOK.

If HOOK is a non-nil symbol with a non-nil `no-self-insert' property,
it can control whether the character that triggered abbrev expansion
is inserted. If such a HOOK returns non-nil, the character is not
inserted. If such a HOOK returns nil, then so does `abbrev-insert'
(and `expand-abbrev'), as if no abbrev expansion had taken place.

PROPS is a property list. The following properties are special:
- `:count': the value for the abbrev's usage-count, which is incremented each
time the abbrev is used (the default is zero).
- `:system': if non-nil, says that this is a "system" abbreviation
which should not be saved in the user's abbreviation file.
Unless `:system' is `force', a system abbreviation will not
overwrite a non-system abbreviation of the same name.
- `:case-fixed': non-nil means that abbreviations are looked up without
case-folding, and the expansion is not capitalized/upcased.
- `:enable-function': a function of no argument which returns non-nil if the
abbrev should be used for a particular call of `expand-abbrev'.

An obsolete but still supported calling form is: