
declare-function is a Lisp macro in `subr.el'.

(declare-function FN FILE &optional ARGLIST FILEONLY)

Tell the byte-compiler that function FN is defined, in FILE.
Optional ARGLIST is the argument list used by the function.
The FILE argument is not used by the byte-compiler, but by the
`check-declare' package, which checks that FILE contains a
definition for FN. ARGLIST is used by both the byte-compiler
and `check-declare' to check for consistency.

FILE can be either a Lisp file (in which case the ".el"
extension is optional), or a C file. C files are expanded
relative to the Emacs "src/" directory. Lisp files are
searched for using `locate-library', and if that fails they are
expanded relative to the location of the file containing the
declaration. A FILE with an "ext:" prefix is an external file.
`check-declare' will check such files if they are found, and skip
them without error if they are not.

FILEONLY non-nil means that `check-declare' will only check that
FILE exists, not that it defines FN. This is intended for
function-definitions that `check-declare' does not recognize, e.g.

To specify a value for FILEONLY without passing an argument list,
set ARGLIST to t. This is necessary because nil means an
empty argument list, rather than an unspecified one.

Note that for the purposes of `check-declare', this statement
must be the first non-whitespace on a line.

For more information, see Info node `(elisp)Declaring Functions'.