
dbus-register-property is a compiled Lisp function in `dbus.el'.


Register property PROPERTY on the D-Bus BUS.

BUS is either a Lisp symbol, `:system' or `:session', or a string
denoting the bus address.

SERVICE is the D-Bus service name of the D-Bus. It must be a
known name (See discussion of DONT-REGISTER-SERVICE below).

PATH is the D-Bus object path SERVICE is registered (See
discussion of DONT-REGISTER-SERVICE below). INTERFACE is the
name of the interface used at PATH, PROPERTY is the name of the
property of INTERFACE. ACCESS indicates, whether the property
can be changed by other services via D-Bus. It must be either
the symbol `:read' or `:readwrite'. VALUE is the initial value
of the property, it can be of any valid type (see
`dbus-call-method' for details).

If PROPERTY already exists on PATH, it will be overwritten. For
properties with access type `:read' this is the only way to
change their values. Properties with access type `:readwrite'
can be changed by `dbus-set-property'.

The interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" is added to
PATH, including a default handler for the "Get", "GetAll" and
"Set" methods of this interface. When EMITS-SIGNAL is non-nil,
the signal "PropertiesChanged" is sent when the property is
changed by `dbus-set-property'.

When DONT-REGISTER-SERVICE is non-nil, the known name SERVICE is
not registered. This means that other D-Bus clients have no way
of noticing the newly registered property. When interfaces are
constructed incrementally by adding single methods or properties
at a time, DONT-REGISTER-SERVICE can be used to prevent other
clients from discovering the still incomplete interface.