
common-lisp-indent-function is an autoloaded Lisp function in `cl-indent.el'.

(common-lisp-indent-function INDENT-POINT STATE)

Function to indent the arguments of a Lisp function call.
This is suitable for use as the value of the variable
`lisp-indent-function'. INDENT-POINT is the point at which the
indentation function is called, and STATE is the
`parse-partial-sexp' state at that position. Browse the
`lisp-indent' customize group for options affecting the behavior
of this function.

If the indentation point is in a call to a Lisp function, that
function's `common-lisp-indent-function' property specifies how
this function should indent it. Possible values for this
property are:

* defun, meaning indent according to `lisp-indent-defun-method';
i.e., like (4 &lambda &body), as explained below.

* any other symbol, meaning a function to call. The function should
PATH is a list of integers describing the position of point in terms of
list-structure with respect to the containing lists. For example, in
((a b c (d foo) f) g), foo has a path of (0 3 1). In other words,
to reach foo take the 0th element of the outermost list, then
the 3rd element of the next list, and finally the 1st element.
STATE and INDENT-POINT are as in the arguments to
`common-lisp-indent-function'. SEXP-COLUMN is the column of
the open parenthesis of the innermost containing list.
NORMAL-INDENT is the column the indentation point was
originally in. This function should behave like `lisp-indent-259'.

* an integer N, meaning indent the first N arguments like
function arguments, and any further arguments like a body.
This is equivalent to (4 4 ... &body).

* a list. The list element in position M specifies how to indent the Mth
function argument. If there are fewer elements than function arguments,
the last list element applies to all remaining arguments. The accepted
list elements are:

* nil, meaning the default indentation.

* an integer, specifying an explicit indentation.

* &lambda. Indent the argument (which may be a list) by 4.

* &rest. When used, this must be the penultimate element. The
element after this one applies to all remaining arguments.

* &body. This is equivalent to &rest lisp-body-indent, i.e., indent
all remaining elements by `lisp-body-indent'.

* &whole. This must be followed by nil, an integer, or a
function symbol. This indentation is applied to the
associated argument, and as a base indent for all remaining
arguments. For example, an integer P means indent this
argument by P, and all remaining arguments by P, plus the
value specified by their associated list element.

* a symbol. A function to call, with the 6 arguments specified above.

* a list, with elements as described above. This applies when the
associated function argument is itself a list. Each element of the list
specifies how to indent the associated argument.

For example, the function `case' has an indent property
(4 &rest (&whole 2 &rest 1)), meaning:
* indent the first argument by 4.
* arguments after the first should be lists, and there may be any number
of them. The first list element has an offset of 2, all the rest
have an offset of 2+1=3.

If the current mode is actually `emacs-lisp-mode', look for a
`common-lisp-indent-function-for-elisp' property before looking
at `common-lisp-indent-function' and, if set, use its value